Preparation and Evaluation of Aloe-Vera Gel for Aphthous Ulcer

Research Article


  • Firdos Sultana Assistant professor, Pharmaceutics, Varadaraja institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Tumkur, Karnataka, India Author
  • Umamaheswari Assistant professor, Pharmacology, Varadaraja institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research, Tumkur, Karnataka, India Author


Aloe vera, Apthous ulcer, Oral gels, Carbopol, Herbal remedies


Aloe vera gel formulations were developed for the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers. Three gel formulations were prepared using varying concentrations of carbopol 934 (1%, 1.5%, 2%) as the gelling agent. Aloe vera extract (2% w/v) was used as the active component along with methyl and propyl parabens as preservatives. Triethanolamine was used to adjust the pH of the gels. The prepared gels were evaluated for appearance, pH, viscosity, spreadability and in-vitro drug release. All formulations had a clear glassy appearance. The pH ranged from 6.2-6.5. Viscosity decreased with increasing shear rate indicating pseudoplastic flow. Spreadability also decreased with increase in carbopol concentration. Formulation F3 with 2% carbopol showed the maximum sustained release of 63.24% over 8 hours making it the optimized formulation. Hence, aloe vera gel formulated with carbopol 934 could be used for the localized treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers. The mucoadhesive properties of the gel aid in increasing the residence time at the site of application and facilitating sustained drug release for effective therapy. Further clinical studies are necessary to evaluate the efficacy of these gel formulations


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How to Cite

Preparation and Evaluation of Aloe-Vera Gel for Aphthous Ulcer: Research Article. (2024). Journal of Pharma Insights and Research, 2(1), 056–059.